Current Status

This blog is not frequently updated because most case-by-case scam reports are now listed in subordinate blogs. At this point in time, most of my efforts are targeted at documenting employment scams in the Suckers Wanted blog.


Pump and Dump: ABZT

It must be a very good day for pumping and dumping, because this is the third one I've had to report in the last 24 hours or less. This is a stock we've seen pumped before: Ablaze Technologies (ABZT). Maybe the same pump-and-dump spammer is still trying to offload their junk, because the share price has remained stubbornly low since the last round of spam according to the stock history at Yahoo! finance. It was eight cents back on 26th April, and now it's around four or five cents. The pumpers are still promising the moon, of course, but that's the name of the pump and dump stock fraud game.

Technical details: spam received from ( -- in Germany) on Wed, 18 May 2005 02:38:11 +0000. A partial copy of the spam text follows.

Symbol: ABZT
Current Price: $0.04

Expected Speculat1ve price in next 3 days: 15 cents

Hot News released on Friday - This situation is HOT
NEws Release out: "Ablaze Technologies Announces Focus on Online Payment Processing"

Don't Miss Out!! M1cro Cap Stocks Are Providing HUGE Investor Profits!!
STR0NG BUY Rat1ng on aBlaze Technologies, Inc..!!

Did you turn a 100% gain on your investment last month. If you bought eMax Holdings Corporation. (OTC PK: EMXC) you would have realized a 300% GAIN in less than 5 days!!! EMXC was priced at 13 cents and surged to $0.40

Symbol: ABZT
Current Price: $0.04

Expected Specu|ative price in next 3 days: 15 cents

NEws Release out: Ablaze Technologies Announces Focus on Online Payment Processing


Our latest featured company (OTC PK: ABZT ) is priced in a similar range and has the potential to be another winner. ABZT is a microcap company emerging as a leading provider of internet services from VOIP to Pay Per Click Search engines and online payment systems!!!

Many low-priced stocks provided HUGE GAIN opportunities for investors who capitalized and jumped on them early enough.

Don't miss out on our latest Hot Pick!

Our latest hot pick OTC BB: ABZT is another golden opportunity! Buy now, before the word gets out. ABZT is an emerging growth Internet company.

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