Current Status

This blog is not frequently updated because most case-by-case scam reports are now listed in subordinate blogs. At this point in time, most of my efforts are targeted at documenting employment scams in the Suckers Wanted blog.


Payment Processing Job Scam: Waterman

Want a job laundering money? A job that will attract the attention of the local authorities? A job that is guaranteed to result in your commission being confiscated by the law? Then you've come to the right place. Received from (in Brazil) on Thu, 19 May 2005 03:03:46 +1000 (note Australian time zone) to a ".au" email address, one poisonous job offer targeted specifically at Australians. I've written off to them from a ".au" address for more details, and I'll update this post if I get a response. I have no doubt that this involves the transfer of money into the "employee's" account by phishers who have gained access to other accounts, then sending this money overseas to the actual phishers -- probably via one or two more layers of indirection.


We have many clients world-wide and today we are taking a closer and better look at the
market&apss potential in AUSTRALIA for a possible sale of our merchandize.

To send the money from our clients back here to Switzerland we must pay an obligatory 20%
percent from the total sum of every transaction. But if the money is sent by a natural person,
the percent is considerably less.

That&apss why we are opening a unique Partnership Program for YOU! You can earn up to 2000-3000$
per month.

This might not be your general income. All You need to do is to receive money from
our clients and to send the money back to us. No special skills or experience is required.

You get 6% from the total sum for every successful money transfer.
For example we send 4000$ AUD to You. You take 6% from this money - that is 240$AUD.

Next You send the rest of the money to us.

You pay for all the commission fees from our money. This means that You get guaranteed 6% for
every successful money transfer with no additional charges or taxes.
To get any additional information about our site and to get the contract from us,
send us an email and we&apsll reply in a couple of hours.

Thank You!

Contact us:


1 comment:

Spotter said...

For the record, my attempt to reach the contact address resulted in a failed delivery. Hopefully this means that the plug was pulled on the scammer's infrastructure fairly early on.